Enrique V Urdaneta



Have you ever seen a house for sale for months without anyone buying it? One of the main reasons could be an inappropriate price. Determining the right price from the beginning is essential to attract the right buyers and close the sale in a reasonable time. But how do you know what your property is really worth?


PROPERTY LOCATION "Location, location, location," you've surely heard this real estate mantra. A property in the city center or near essential services usually has a higher value than one in the suburbs. Analyze the features of your area: are there schools, hospitals, shopping centers nearby? Is it a quiet or noisy area? All this influences the price.

SIZE AND CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY It's not just about how many square meters it has but also its condition. A newly renovated house or with modern features can be worth much more than one that needs repairs. Make an honest inventory of your property. Does it need painting? Are the bathrooms updated? Every detail counts.

MARKET COMPARABLES (COMPS) Look at similar properties in your area that have recently sold. These "comps" will give you an idea of the market and what buyers are willing to pay. If several similar houses sold for a specific price, it's likely yours will be in that range.

TIME ON THE MARKET AND TRENDS If properties in your area sell quickly, it could indicate you're in a seller's market, and you might set a higher price. On the other hand, if houses stay long on the market, you may need to adjust your price to attract buyers.


Avoid the trap of overvaluing your property due to emotional attachment or underestimating it to sell quickly. Both extremes can result in losses, either of time or money. Remember, the market dictates the price, not your emotions.


PROFESSIONAL APPRAISERS If you still have doubts, hiring an appraiser can be a great idea. These professionals will evaluate your property and give you a value based on concrete data and their market experience.

DIGITAL TOOLS AND REAL ESTATE PLATFORMS On our website, we have a price estimator, or you can use the MLS, or websites like or Zillow, among others, to compare your property with others on the market. They also offer valuation tools that, while not 100% accurate, give you a general idea of your property's value.


Did you know the price of your property can influence buyers' perceptions? A too high price can make buyers think it's not worth it, while a too low price can make them suspect something is wrong. Here are some points to consider:

THE FAIR PRICE STRATEGY Setting a fair price, based on research and comparison, conveys confidence. Buyers feel more comfortable making an offer when they feel the price reflects the property's real value.

PRICES ENDING IN .99 OR .95 Although more common in retail, the psychology behind it is that prices ending in .99 or .95 are perceived as lower than the next round number. For example, a property at $299,999 may seem more attractive than one at $300,000.


The current state of the local and national economy can influence how buyers view the real estate market. In times of recession, buyers may be more cautious or seek discounts, while in a booming economy, they may be willing to pay more.

INTEREST RATES AND THEIR IMPACT Interest rates can influence the number of buyers in the market. Low rates can motivate more people to buy, allowing you to set a higher price.

INFLATION AND PURCHASING POWER If inflation is high, buyers' purchasing power decreases. It's essential to consider this, as it could affect the amount they're willing to pay.


The real estate market is dynamic. What works one month might not work the next. It's crucial to be flexible and willing to adjust the price if you don't receive the offers you expected.

LISTEN TO BUYERS' FEEDBACK If several potential buyers mention the price is too high, it's a sign you might need to make an adjustment.

REGULARLY REVIEW THE MARKET The market constantly changes. It's essential to regularly review similar properties and see how they compare to yours in terms of price.


Determining the right price for your property is a combination of science, based on data and facts, and art, based on intuition and market understanding. At the end of the day, the goal is to find a price that reflects your property's value and attracts the right buyers.

THE BALANCE BETWEEN VALUE AND DEMAND Determining the right price is a balance between what your property is worth and what the market is willing to pay. Take your time, research, and, if necessary, seek professional help. At the end of the day, a proper price can be the difference between selling in weeks or waiting months.


  1. Why is it so important to set the right price from the beginning? Setting the right price from the start is crucial because a price too high can drive away potential buyers, causing the property to stay on the market longer. On the other hand, a price too low could result in a quick sale but at the expense of losing money. A proper price attracts the right buyers from the beginning and increases the chances of a successful sale.
  2. How can I know if the price I've set is too high or low? One way is to compare your property with similar ones in the area (comps) that have recently sold. If your property is significantly more expensive than the comparables, it could be overvalued. Additionally, if you're not receiving offers or visits are scarce, it could be a sign that the price is too high. On the other hand, if you receive many offers in a short time, it could indicate the price is too low.
  3. Should I lower the price of my property if it doesn't sell quickly? Not necessarily. Before lowering the price, consider other factors such as property promotion, presentation, and market conditions. If after analyzing these aspects, you feel the price is the main obstacle, then it might be time to consider a reduction.
  4. Is it advisable to hire a professional appraiser? Yes, especially if you have doubts about your property's value or if it's unique and there are no direct comparables on the market. A professional appraiser will provide a value based on concrete data, analysis, and their market experience, which can be very helpful in setting an appropriate price.
  5. Can I trust online valuation tools to determine my property's price? Online valuation tools can offer a general estimate based on publicly available data, but they don't always consider your property's unique features or current market conditions. They are useful as a starting point or reference, but it's always advisable to complement this information with more detailed research or a professional's opinion.


Enrique Vicente Urdaneta

Real Estate Advisor | eXp Realty | EVU Luxury Homes


[email protected]


Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is intended to provide a general understanding of the topic. However, please note that I am a real estate agent, not a lawyer, accountant, tax, or financial advisor. This content should not be taken as legal, tax, accounting, or financial advice. The laws and regulations related to this topic can be complex and may change or expand in the future. Therefore, it is crucial to consult with a qualified professional, such as a specialized financial or tax advisor, before making any decision based on this information. As a real estate agent, I can provide various options and professional guidance related to the real estate aspects of your investment strategy, and for matters related to tax implications, legal issues, and financial planning, please consult with the appropriate professionals, which whom I have allies I can refer.

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